Step 1: Apply

enrollment overview


  1. Download and complete the New Student Application below.

    • The application has a section for the parent(s) and another for the student(s). Please complete both.

  2. After reviewing your application, we will schedule a face-to-face or Zoom interview with the family. In the interview, we will review the application, answer any questions you may have, and see if TELOS is a good fit for your student and your family.

  3. Download, review, and complete the TELOS Contract below.

    • The contract has a section for parents and a section for students. Both are required.


  1. Download the TELOS Contract.

  2. Parent(s) and student(s) must complete the contract each year.

Step 2: Enroll

full-time student Enrollment

Students must be enrolled in TELOS to reserve their seat(s). Enrollments are limited. Once enrolled, students can pay tuition at their convenience. After enrolling, students can pay tuition [ here ]. Tuition must be paid before the first day of class.

  • Enrollment Reservation:

    • Single Full-Time Student: $250

      • Additional Full-Time Students: $150 (each)

    • A La Carte Students: $115 (each)

  • Once your seat is reserved, your place in TELOS is guaranteed barring unforeseen circumstances or violations of the TELOS Contract, Handbook, etc...

  • Enrollment reservations are non-refundable.



A LA CART = $115

Step 3: Tuition

TELOS Academy offers two enrollment options. Your student can enroll full-time or take a la carte courses. A la carte students are invited to join in on the TELOS activities with the Community Events add-on.



This is a full day of academic and spiritual enrichment all taught by subject matter experts. It features seven core classes, worship, culinary arts, and physical education. It also includes field trips, activities, movie nights, special presentations, community-building events, a formal Christmas Tea held in December, and exclusive activities for graduating seniors held in the spring.

Enrollment in TELOS Academy is a 1-year commitment.


  • If you pay monthly, tuition payments will be billed like a monthly subscription. This means you will be billed in 30-day increments β€” from the date of your first payment.

  • Please make your first payment on August 1st:

    • You will receive email reminders at the beginning of the month.

    • You will only make 9 payments so the last month will be free.

TELOS a la carte


Students may take up to two classes without joining TELOS Academy. Students will join the other TELOS Academy students during the scheduled class times. If the student takes two classes that are not back-to-back, they are welcome to stay and hang out with the other students between classes.

  • Tuition: $165 per class.

  • A student can enroll in 2 classes maximum.

Seating is limited by available space.

Step 4: Annual or Semester Fees


TELOS tries to keep fees to a minimum. The fees cover insurance, repairs, cleaning, maintenance, office supplies, etc.

  • Annual: $97

  • 1 Semester: $47

(Optional) A La Carte Student Add-On

add-on’s for a la carte students


One of the best aspects of TELOS is the amazing students and activities.

If your a la carte student wants to attend TELOS events, they can join the community and enjoy all the field trips, activities, movie nights, special programs, guest speakers, presentations, and community-building events with the TELOS Academy students.

This add-on is for the entire year, regardless of the semester or the number of classes taken.