Meal Voucher - One Person
Meal Voucher - One Person
Meals are paid on Saturday morning by 9 AM. Each meal voucher covers the cost of a meal for one person. If more than one person will be eating, purchase the number of vouchers you desire.
When you purchase a meal voucher, it’s for the next week with a meal. A voucher can not be transferred to a future week because the food was purchased.
To get more information contact
TELOS runs on 4-week segments with 3 weeks of community education and one week of at-home study. The meals are served on the last week of the current school segment. They are usually served on the third week, though there are a few exceptions to this. (See the Telos Calendar for details.)
There are no refunds if a student doesn’t attend or eat on a week where they’ve purchased a voucher.